Resources to download

Various activities to help you decorate or get you in the Jack in the Green mood!


2023 Posters

Posters that can be printed and displayed in windows to help advertise this year’s event

Make a May Day garland

Bryony Leech introduces the May Day garland custom and gives you all the information you need to make your own garland


Jack in the Green paper doll

Create a procession at home with this paper doll that you can dress as your favorite characters from the day


Word search

Can you find all the words in the Jack in the Green themed word search? Go on you know you can!


Jack model

You can create your very own Jack in the Green to head up your May Day procession at home

Word search for young people

A smaller and simpler word search game suitable for young people and for the young at heart.


Colouring pages

Nine images from the across the Jack in the Green weekend for you to colour in and make your own