local business supporters
Every May Day Bank Holiday weekend thousands of people come to Hastings for Jack in the Green helping boost the local economy which is fantastic! Hastings Traditional Jack in the Green is a registered charity that relies on various different methods of funding - ticket sales, merchandise, collection pots, advertising, grants, decorating and donations.
In previous years we have been supported financially and logistically by Hastings Borough Council. As our funding from the council is reducing we are looking at new ways to fund Hastings Traditional Jack in the Green. We are hoping we can get support from local businesses to ensure the event can continue for many years to come. Local businesses have already supported Hastings Traditional Jack in the Green for many years through advertising in our printed programme, displaying collection pots, and paying for greenery via our decorating team.
In 2024, we introduced our new Business Supporters Scheme. In 2025 we have expanded this scheme to different tiers. Businesses that have supported us through advertising, greenery decoration, or a donation, will be given a HTJITG Supporter window sticker for that can be displayed. Not only will you be financially supporting the event, but passing foot-traffic will also be able to see which local businesses are supporting us.
We will also be highlighting this scheme through social media to show the public that local businesses support local events!
If you’re interested in becoming a local business supporter please get in contact at supporters@hastingstraditionaljackinthegreen.co.uk
2024 Supporters
Businesses and Groups that have financially supported Hastings Traditional Jack in the Green through advertising, decorations or donations.
Acme Tattoo
Anna Gee Ltd
Atterell Interiors
Balfour and Byrom
Black Box
Bobby and Dandy
Cornish Bakery
Courthouse Collective
Echo Beach
Funnell & Perring
Gallery 53
Gill & Ireland
Golden Hands
Hastings Art Club
Hare and Hawthorn
Hatz n Thingz
House of Habibi
Jolly Fisherman
JP Moore
Little treasures
Love Hastings
Made in Hastings
Mame’s Place
Nautical Museums
Old Hastings Club
Old Pawn Shop
Old Rectory
Old Town Fryer
Only Coco
Rock-a-Nore Kitchen
Sea Whistle
SEED Tapas & Cocktails
Tadhg Mae Projects
The Albion
The Anchor
The Cinque Ports
The Clown
The Crown
The Dolphin
The Jenny Lind
The Laindons
The Nelson
The Pelican
The Plough
The Stag Inn
Turn The Tide
Two Bulls Steakhouse
Undercliffe HSE
Vintage Bird
Whistle Trago
2024 will be the final year of us being financially and logistically supported by Hastings Borough Council. The trustees would like to thank them for their support over the years!